Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Class Catch-Up

So my last post had me signing off and committing to a daily posting. Perhaps I should try that before I promise it. :) Classes have just wrapped up mid-terms. Everything is fairly fresh, and I'm hoping that knowing what chaos truly is (exams) that I'll see extra time in my day to post. I would love to post now, but I'd rather wait until after class tonight so ideas are fresh.

Bare with me :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Baby Steps

Okay, my goal is to start writing on here. I'm in my fourth week, first trimester of seminary, and thoughts and ideas are just all stirred up. I'd like to be on here (cross your fingers) once a day getting some of them out of my head and onto here. The problem is I'm terribly behind, and I don't want to only put half effort into this blog or schooling. So, posts will start small. Please bear with me.

I will probably say this time and again...please comment - agreeing or disagreeing. I welcome discussion. I do not welcome rudeness, and I reserve the right to delete comments that I deem inappropriate. I'm hoping this will be conversational not argumentative. first contribution...what I'm studying (then I have to get back to studying it).

Colloquium - um, this is like seminary homeroom...we support each other, challenge our comforts and more stuff I'll allude to later on.
Hebrew Bible I - we are powering our way through what many call the Old Testament. This includes massive amounts of reading, memorization, intense discussions, quizzes and more. This is a key component to me being behind and my varying stress level.
Ethical Analysis & Advocacy - we are studying different motifs/methods for discussing ethics and ethical issues. I'm definitely finding this class to be interesting both because of the professors and the class participants.
Youth Ministry - this is my online course which is good but probably not my favorite format. I am learning a lot, and there are tons of recommended readings I hope to get to after graduation.
Faith, Race and the Future of Democracy - this is my weekend course (Oct 17 &18). They changed the title, and probably the content. I'm a little apprehensive, yet stoked I can get a credit in a day and a half. :)

I'll keep you posted on these classes, the topics, the issues and my responses.